Friday, February 3, 2012

Keen Bashers List

Below please find a list of KEEN bashers as compiled by various other advisors and myself.  These are serial Keen bashers.  This list is being provided to allow other advisors to determine which callers they would like to take.  It is not a complete list by any means, but a work in progress.  I have started this list as a resource for other advisors only, and do not anticipate keeping any childish or disrespectful or psychotic comments, as bashers can and do utilize KEEN feedback for that purpose.  They do not need another forum for their illness.  Comments from other advisors are welcomed; please submit any additional names for the list to me through the "comments" section or to my email at
***I care about each person visiting this site, even the bashers, but until you change your behavior and start acting in a reasonable and legal manner, these sites continue to be necessary.
To find an older bashers' list,  which is very comprehensive but really reflects pre-2010 information (although some of the same people are still bashing), please go to this website:

I have initially taken much of this from Bash Back Goddess' blog (see her blog at:; thank you so much for your assistance!  I love your site, but do not want to read the garbage (comments) that some very damaged individuals are leaving.  I hope you don't mind if I spread the word even more. If you do mind, please send a note so that we can talk; I figure the more the merrier in getting out the message.
"What you will be looking at (in  this bashers list) is the moment in time when I googled their names.  No doubt , you may have better or  worse results depending on when you do the google.  As well, some may not even show up any longer.     I have tried at least half a dozen formulas to pull up the best results.   The one I find works best and pulls up the most results  is this one :  Using 01Tracy and CANDYGIRL46 as examples:
01Tracy     Or     CANDYGIRL46"  ~notes from Bash Back Goddess' blog
To do a search on any member name, go to and do the advanced search function (WAS off to the left, IS NOW at the very bottom of the google page - scroll down all the way to the bottom).  In the first section, "all these words" put in the member's name exactly as it comes up.   In the site section (last section), put

******WARNING New Advisors need to be especially aware of which callers they are taking; some callers are just other advisors disguised as members of Keen and their sole purpose is to leave you negative feedback in order to make themselves more money.

What all bashers fail to realize is there are people on this planet who can push back the energy onto negative people so that they do not get what they want now. Some call that karma, but it is literally how the energy runs on the planet.


01Tracy   – Calls a lot.  60% of her ratings are 1 -3  stars. Be very careful if she calls you more than once, she returns later than will leave a slew of 1′s

4cloverleafes:  basher - btw, "leaves" is spelled thusly.

7936555  – Calls a lot!   Does leave 5′s  but from what I can see, 6o%  of calls are 1′s!

826143  -  astoundingly rude and pushy – only wants to hear positive outcome in less than  2 minutes, not a ratings basher, at all , in fact most  feedback are 5′s- just very unpleasant and an emotional basher.

888 Miracles:  The same as Pearls of Orient Sea:  Keen advisor who constantly changes her name and leaves awful feedback for other advisors. Loves to hit up newbies.  Bad basher.

aiva630:  she also has other derivations of "aiva" so be careful; really low feedback; thick accent; suspect she is another advisor hurting others.

allsmiles28-  rarely  bashes but even when she is really thrilled with reading  will never leave more than 4 stars.

amberaks:  basher

AngelicallyInspired -   Semi basher  in past,  has gotten better.

Aries325  -  5/7  calls on google showed 2 stars and under    

Asian Beauty

aspin102   In google search, of first 10 – 3 are 1 stars,  2 are 2 stars and  1 is a 4

Baadiyah –      calls a lot. A zillion 4 stars.  Tons of 3′S,  Compares reading to other readings. Will give less rating if you give her unpleasant news .  Plays  Test the psychic ,  asks questions that she already knows the answer to.

Barbie34  -  Used to bash quite a bit, seems to have cooled off.    

Barnett — BASHER! !! RUN RUN RUN!   Buy a lottery ticket if you get more  than 3 stars from this one.

bbumblebee  –Not a serial basher per say ,but bashes alot and is unpleasant to read for

Beautiful Angel28  -  Works her way around Keen solely on free minutes , plus in the event that she does go over the free minutes, she will bash you, whether she feels you are accurate or not, with an “If your right, I will come back and leave more stars”

Blaise Jr      Blaise Jr  seems to want to get out of a blaise life by serial bashing

Brokenhearted13:  She left the following feedback for an advisor on 11/20/11:  "Absolute crap... every word was a lie... not recommended. "  This is not showing up on google.  Please be warned.  Other than that, feedback is all over the place, from 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars and 5 stars.

Caloth  don’t  expect any other rating than a  4 even if you are bang on and she says “wow”

CANDYGIRL46   -  Candygirl  needs to change her name to monstergirl -  7/10  reviews on first page google are 1 with nasty nasty feedback,  2 are 3.  she is hateful.     

carlean  -  In the past  rarely  left  more than 2- 3 stars,  4 if she thought you were  brilliant,  Seems to have cooled off lately

CECERocks:  basher

characters234  -  Calls a lot , favorite rating is 3+4  , lots of 2′s , occasionally  a 5   

chelsea42223 –almost all ratings are 4 and under.

cheryl32:  many, many 1 stars all over google - one 1 star came with the message about having called someone under several different accounts.   Yes, there are also 5 stars, but be very, very selective with this one.  May also be needtoknow777, gerriwills (see the whole lineage of that particular person) and ilikehonesty.

chocolate kakes -  BASHER!!!    For her birthday she asks for psychics to bash. Extremely 2 faced.

chocolate love - basher

cin42 – leaves 5′s  but is slightly risky   

COM1088:  big time basher   run run - same as DC1088 and LT1088 - she takes her anger out on you and is extremely argumentative.  May also be wk888.

CoyDancer  -   does not always bash. but she is a very poor listener.  Extremely unpleasant  to read for.  I blocked her  after her 3rd call to me even though she left me 5 star ratings. Not worth the abuse.

D7:  Big Time Basher

DC1088,  – 4/7  on google 1star. big time basher   run run - same as COM1088 and LT1088 - she takes her anger out on you and is extremely argumentative.  May also be wk888.

Divine Miracles:  Asian advisor who keeps constantly changing her advisor name.  See also Pearl of Orient Sea.

DONNA93  – rarely a 5    calls a lot  – mostly 3-4

Dontlietome  -  Not a big basher,but as the name suggests,is the attitude you will get.

ELOCKE — BASHER BASHER BASHER    calls alot  40% of calls used to be 1′s , seems lately to have eased off  the 1′s

EMMA Beauty:     calls a lot 30% calls are 1star . has a listing on keen.   She is also Asian and may be affiliated with others of her like:  see Pearl of Orient Sea/Miracle Sky/888 Mircles/Magic Pearls/etc.....


Eve Denver:  supposedly another advisor, but has no points or feedback, which lends itself to the knowledge that this person has another advisor listing with more points.  Hit or miss; some one stars, but left the following feedback on another advisor's site on 12/28/11:
"I didn't call a sex line so I don't appreciate being treated like I did."
Exotic lady  In google search first 10 – 6 are 1 stars

fancyfree:  lots of 1 and 2 stars with words attached like "terrible" and "BEWARE" in caps; some 4 and 5 stars, but really a crap shoot.   Someone suggested that fancyfree and frankee are the same person.  Hmmmmmmmm.  Check out a particular google selection from this lovely person:
1/3/2012, fancyfree, 2 stars, She seemed to clearly pick up on things concerning me, however it was very hard to understand what she was saying.
What a mean person.  I'm sure her life is just peachy.

figueroa001  rarely a 5  lots of  2, 3 s  and some 4

flygirl20034  – leaves lots of 5 but somewhat risky for1′s

Focusednclear – 2 MINUTE CALLER  – Out of  33 feedbacks showing on google,  28 are 3”S

frankee:  I have gotten a number of emails about this customer - has been on since 2008; lots of 2 stars, 3 stars and 4 stars - some 1 stars and a few 5 stars.  Very risky caller.

Freebird73  basher!!!!  At the time of this posting 8/10  ratings are 1′s

Fresh Pearls:  aka Magic Pearls, 888 Miracles, etc.....

gem494900  -She can leave some really rude feedback,  and is difficult and unpleasant to read for.

gerriwills (formerly Great view):  rude, difficult, very disrespectful feedback.  May also be needtoknow777.  Not confirmed, but suspected.  She may also be a host of other callers with Asian accents.  It's sad, really.  One email stated that she is most probably criminally insane.

Gra628:    same as Member628  – -  Calls alot – 50%+ of ratings are 1

Great view (now gerriwills):  see also oceanwave (formerly pinkorchids):  disrespectful and difficult and rude.

happycat – mean spirited basher:
  "She is not dealing with a full deck.   Bashing gives her intense joy.  on 2 pages of google  EVERY SINGLE review is 1 star – all 20!!   And she even bashed cruelly  when she was given free minutes, complained that the 4 free  minutes  she was given were a waste of time.!!" ~ notes from Bash Back Goddess' blog
HawaiianRhino: male  basher - meanspirited- writes feedback which includes obscenities.

hayleyscott:    Has only been on Keen since 9/7/11, but has been leaving lots of 1 stars. In fact, she waited to leave feedback,  and then left one advisor over 20  1-stars.    When you google her name, you will see all 1-stars for about 20 different advisors, and only three 5-star (which one can assume is just an error on her part or she was in a good mood).  Thank you for the emails about this one!

HeavensMiracles:  Another Keen advisor and very bad basher!  Changes her name constantly so that she can bash other newbies.  Has been Pearl of Orient Sea-Miracle Sky-888 Miracles.  Continues to change her name.

herns – semi basher in past, gotten somewhat better

hopeforthebest:  nasty person; may also be Keepher79 and/or oceandeep and/or Que 29.

icewine:  run - lots of 1 stars and 2 stars.  Someone wrote an email and said this person should be renamed "frigidwhine."

ilikehonesty:  I wished she liked herself instead.  Apparently she likes honesty so much that she hides under various different identities.  May also be gerriwills, needtoknow777, and cheryl32.  Enjoys abusing and harassing advisors through the KEEN system.

Insight411 – see also realist411 -  I have received quite a few emails from advisers asserting that she is the same as realist411 because they have spoken to both, although no one knows for absolutely certain .  If they are correct  , this is like the wicked witch of the west and her sister Glenda the good witch.  This persona leaves only strong ratings and helpful comments.  I am not totally sold on them being the same , so I can’t rate.

Itzel0911 – out of first 10 results in Google first page  at the time of this posting,  4 are 1 star, one is 4 stars, the rest 5

iwtbl  -  20  calls 11 are 1’s

JanBig   -1-3  are  80%  of  her ratings -watch out!

jimmspsyche:  purposely calling to bash and stop people from calling Keen - hurting Keen's business

JRLUX2001  -  don’t expect more than 4 stars

John1987:  basher

joysapril81-  4 calls, 2 are 1′s with odd feedback.  Bad sign of things to come with her.

julialynn:  BIG  TIME BASHER, ALSO PSYCHIC ON KEEN  - leaves feedback that says “nope”.  Another advisor leaving negative feedback for other advisors.

Kenny1369  -   8/10  on first page are 1 stars with verbally abusive feedback.  some he left multiple 1′s  for.  Calls drunk and angry, changes name to harass advisers who block him  

Keepher79:  vindictive basher.  Be careful.  Has only been on Keen since 1/24/12 but has another identity: may also be oceandeep.    May also be an old basher named Que 29.  May also be hopeforthebest.  Very dark-natured person.  I have gotten several emails about this one.  Don't be fooled by any 5 stars you are seeing.  She is very very dark. One advisor described the experience as reading for someone who was standing behind a black curtain.  I need to stress that google does not show all negative feedback - I know this for a fact.  They may have some kind of an agreement with Keen.  So proceed with caution.

KNMmag:  ruthless - leaves lots of 3s and 4s but has also left plenty of 1 stars over the years.  She uses Keen advisors as her punching bag, then will write other feedback asking for prayers and pondering about how she doesn't understand why her life is so bad.
"What you do to others, you do to yourself.  We are all connected" - Confucius and the Golden Rule.
Krjeffcoat -   She’s insane!  Very similar to realist411.  Hate filled , mean spirited woman.   Wakes up in the morning and looks forward to making a  bashing calls before she has her breakfast. Venomous…already has the answers, demands you can match her beliefs. 7/10  reviews on first page of  google are 1 star!!

krutledge011310 –wants free minutes.  Won’t spend a cent

khutnow  -  70%   1-2 stars.  Left 3 for someone who she said she “Loved”  and will call again.  If you use cards to read, she will bash you. 

kuma14 -  first 10 result in google… 6 are one stars    -  uses descriptions  like “rotten”, “terrible”  and  “a real psychic would….”Gave  1 adviser 3 stars for being accurate but talking too slow and another 2 stars for being accurate and talking too fast.

Kundalinifire    She does leave 3’s  with the explanation that the reader has just told her the opposite of what  the other readers have told her.   Really, she is calling to have only the positive confirmed,  and be told the same as the majority of all her other readings. …

libramarine:  lots and lots of 1 stars and 2 stars!!!! Tons.

LillyD – looking for a ridiculous amount of information within the 1st minute of call.  If you don’t “pick up” and squeeze in , within the first 30 seconds of her call  that  her love interest is married, she will bash you.   She does seem to have cooled off lately, not bashing these days.

lioness2000  -Calls  alot.   60% of calls are 3′s.

Littleyoshie – Pleads for free minutes ,  than bashes those that are kind enough to send them to her!  4/5  reviews in google search are 1′s !

Lorrie Johnson:  Has left plenty of negative feedback, and sometimes leaves a 5 star with not nice feedback. Obviously, a very unhappy individual.  I have gotten lots of mail about this one.  Avoid at all costs to your sanity and your business.

love1201:  After a significant amount of emails, I have to post this person's name.  It appears that in the beginning of reading for this person, everything is wine and roses and 5 stars.  But then somewhere along the way, things get very nasty, and a myriad of 1 stars begin to fly!  Also, one day I googled this person and saw a bunch of 1 stars, and the next very few.  So remember, google can be a tempermental mistress!!!  At any rate, proceed with caution on this one.

LoveJoy18—Short calls, used to bash,  Has  recently become nicer in her ratings. Maybe her calls were getting rejected and she smartened up.

LoveXoXo  -  google her.  7/9  calls are 1 star

LT1088:  same as DC1088 and COM1088.  May also be wk888.

Magic Pearls:  See also under her new name, Fresh Pearls and Pearl of Orient Sea...........  Changes name constantly.

Maj61:  Either a 1 star or a 5 star and there are plenty of 1 stars!  Nothing in between. Some of the written feedback looks very vindictive.  Here is a confusing example - if this advisor did not take the call, how did this person get through to leave feedback?  it sounds like they just called up to leave something negative:
1/27/2011maj611 starThis reader accepted an appointment with me yesterday and then my phone did not ring. I emailed him about it today and he said he had a doctor's appointment. Did not even email me to let me know that. Then he scheduled with me for today - and 10 minutes before we are supposed to speak he cancels with a note that says "my throat is too sore from talking all morning, can we talk tomorrow?" My answer is No Way. I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him now. Don't accept an appointment if you can't do it!!! Lousy.

ManyLightFeathers:  Left the most outrageous, long feedback for another advisor on 11/5/2011.  She put the feedback in all caps.  She is a Keen advisor and as such Keen should remove the feedback.  Here is the feedback:
If she does, indeed, have a relationship with God or Christ she would not have left this feedback.  If she wanted a refund, she could have asked for it in a polite and spiritual manner.  She did this in all caps to be vindictive.

margiemr:  I had to do a little research on this one, so it took awhile.  Thanks for being patient those of you who submitted this name.  I did find a lengthy unnecessary feedback for an advisor on 10/28/11:
"I do not like giving low ratings but she was not good at all on the second call. She did not focus and told me that she is not going to be because it takes her energy. Then she told me she seen things the evening before and that she told me. Hello...she not tell me! She seem like she was doing me a favor and was bother by my phone call.... Surprise I am the one paying here. Go ahead make my day...block me because I am certain I blocking her!! Watch your money people with this one there are better ones out there!"
mary albanese -Although I have not found any feedback from her, word on the street has it that she ” RAGES..and swears using foul language,very hostile . No matter what you tell her she turns it into a negative. Wants a fairy tale answer ..”

Marky0509  –An absolutely  horrific listener. He is a rude, a bully and not only abusive to the advisers but likely to woman in general.  Unless  you tell him only good outcomes,  he takes his anger out on you.   Plays test the psychic.   If you do not see his girlfriend crawling back to him  on all fours , expect this to send him into an angry frenzy of asking impossible questions to test your accuracy. .. –   4/10  calls bashed.

master1971—semi basher

Member016444:  identified by emails; says it is a male caller; has both 5 stars and 1 stars.

MHaniff15    Avoid this one. 80%  chance for 1 – 2 stars with a remark such as terrible , way off

miss clicker  -lives to bash  -

misspalmtree:  basher

mgs77  -  leaves 5s, mostly 3 and 4′s though,  and a bunch of 1′s , a high risk - nasty person

MoonsPet - basher

Mylo22:  many, many 1 star ratings; some 2 star.  Beware.

nastasia -  5 calls on first page, 3 are 1′s  -

Night Lights:  has only been on Keen since 8/3/11, but has been bashing her way through the site. I am getting tons of mail about this one.  Of course, this is just another old basher under a new identity. Proceed with caution.  Here is a sample of the feedback left by this person on another advisor's site on 11/11/11:
"48mins on the phone w/u @ $1.99 per min & all I got was contradiction, after contradiction, after contradiction! God spoke of pple like U N his book, false prophets. U spread lies & confusion. People, don't trust your life/future in this demons hands. She's doing this $ & $ only! She doesn't care about U. Once she's off the phone w/u it's on 2 confuse & manipulate the next. She will spin her story on a dime. In 48mins, she changed the same story 20x's & I'm the fool 4 continue'n 2 try & find clarity from the Devil! Keep your $$ & ask God 4 help...he has NO CHARGE & his words R the truth. NOTHING HE SAYS WILL EVER CHANGE. The devil is a liar & U my dear R a LIAR!!!"
oceandeep:  Of the first page of google, 5 are 1 Stars and 2 are 2 Stars.  Very few five stars. Sounds like this is not a keeper.  May also be Keepher79.   May also be Que 29.  May also be hopeforthebest.

oceanwave (formerly pinkorchids):  may also be gerriwills (formerly Great View):  not all feedback is negative, but is disrespectful, difficult and demanding, and may even lie in readings - see also the listing "Pearl of Orient Sea" below ~ she is delusional and shallow.  Is now starsign111.

peace2012:   - leaves negative feedback on others sites that promotes other advisors - doing this to advertise for other advisors.    I must stress that this does not mean the other advisors are behind the promotion at all; could just be an overzealous fan of sorts. This is the feedback she left on the site of Marie Anna on 9/24/11 after a one minute call:
"NOT ACCURATE and wasn't psychic. She kept hemming and hawing and couldn't give me an answer and then seem to guess. I've spoken to good advisors on Keen and she's not one of them. I found so far authentic and the best to be: Advisor Lania, Readings by Janice, and Maureen - The Messenger."
I believe that Keen did remove this feedback from the advisor's site, but you should stay warned.  When you google this name, you only see positive feedback.

Pearls of Orient Sea (formerly Sacred Angel/then changed to Pearl of Orient Sea/then changed to Miracle Sky - now is 888 Miracles but I am sure she will be changing it soon) - she was HeavensMiracles and is now Divine Miracles:   Keen adviser  - distinctive Asian accent - Advisers claim that her alternative names are- pinkorchids/oceanwave; Great view/gerriwills;  and Lady Taska/Magic Pearls .    It has been alleged that Magic Pearls (formerly Lady Taska) is one of her alternative names. She has been described as argumentative, compares your readings with others and will bash if your reading is different than the rest,   2 faced, and plays test the psychic.   She eliminated some of her listings for 888 Miracles, but has created new ones.    Is a coward and is doing this feedback to protect other sites on KEEN with higher points (hers and others affiliated with her).  She thinks that by hurting the listings of other advisors it makes hers and her friends/family more competitive. These are illegal actions for which legal action needs to be taken against her.

Now her name was Divine Miracles and is now Sacred Miracles for one advisor listing and was Sacred Pearls of Orient but is now Treasured pearls for another.  Changes name constantly.  Alleged cohorts may be found by checking out which advisors are leaving positive feedback on these two advisor sites.     It is not dispositive of intent, but I am getting emails that seem to link advisors to each other through their advisor names and their regular account names.  People are starting to put together the links, which is crucial for any legal foundation.

I am not sure if the following advisors are affiliated with her, but please watch the listings and feedback of:  NorthStarJulie and Elisabeth0320 (same person).  It is just as important to see who is calling them or NOT calling them.  Now, these advisor(s) can decline calls from these same account names, as we all can, but I have it on good report that NSJ and E0320 are of the same culture as Good Ole Pearl.  It doesn't mean they are affiliated; I would just be cautious and aware, that's all.

Perplexed74 – BASHER -  RUN RUN RUNNNN!

pooh48:    calls a lot of psychics,  leaves 5′s  not a serial basher, but bashes a lot!

PSmith0000:  You will either be hit or miss, with a lot of misses; highly critical and difficult; transferring her feelings of imperfection onto others.  I have gotten some interesting emails about this one.  She may be another advisor, and is part of an advisor group leaving good ratings for those she is in the group with, and negative ratings for those newer advisors and/or people not in her group.

realist411:    See also insight411;  According to others,  there is something wrong with this woman; she is super intelligent,  but madder than a hatter:
"Filled with self loathing and takes it out on those that can’t fight back. Views herself as “the one”  that has been appointed by  God  to  get the message out to others about what the advisers strengths and weakness’s are.  Even the  readers that she’ll leave 5 stars for, will  block her , AND there are many advisers , that she testifies about in her own feedback,  that hang up on her mid call!  She is THAT creepy.  A self proclaimed gifted psychic/healer  herself , she insists that she  only uses Keen when she has burning questions… which appears to be 365 days a year.   I believe, just as she does , that she is not only psychic but  the “chosen one”,  because she is able to see deep into the advisers minds and “know”  their most deepest ugliest motives  for saying what they do,  and is able to either  smite  them for disappointing her or reward them for pleasing her , in a way that only a God can do.  lately she has been saying  something kind before you stabs you." ~notes from Bash Back Goddess' blog
REV Moet: another KEEN advisor; leaves tons of 1 stars with requests for REFUND, and even the written feedback for the 5 stars can be highly critical. May also be Modern Sage, although not confirmed.  She understands the effect of negative feedback, as she has written on her own site:  "POSITIVE FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APPRECIATED, THIS WILL HELP BUILD MY BUSINESS ON KEEN."  So make no mistake, she is purposely hurting other people's businesses.

rezmedic:  basher

Richardastrust   – demanding  guy  throws  a dozen “when,where, who”  questions at you  in a 3 minute call without any breathing space..Will  bash you  if you can’t keep up with his  onslaught of questions,   or if you try to  offer advice .  Not a big basher per say, but so very unpleasant to read for.

Royjo     Bashes  everyone – lives to bash,  needs to bash ,  wakes up in the morning and wonders whose  business    she  can destroy today  before she has her breakfast.   9/10 on google first page  are 1′s!

Rszuba -   calls a lot,  rarely leaves more than 3 stars  Lots of 1′s.

Sacred Path - KEEN advisor leaving negative feedback for other advisors:  I saw a 3 star rating on 6/15/11 for another advisor; a 2 star rating on 6/18/11 for another advisor and a 1 star rating on 9/7/11 for another advisor with the following feedback:
"It seemed she gave an opinion not a psychically guided answer."
Interestingly, she left this feedback on the advisor's listing that just happens to be in the same category as her listing with the most points.

Sacred Pearls of Orient:  See Pearls of Orient Sea, Divine Miracles, etc.....  Keen advisor who bashes often and also who changes their name just as often - the true sign of a basher.

Sacred Miracles:  See Pearls of Orient Sea, Divine Miracles, etc.....  Keen advisor who bashes often and also who changes their name just as often - the true sign of a basher.   This is a very sick woman who preys on new advisors.  She is a predator.

Santorini:  Left the following feedback for another advisor on 11/18/11. It is lengthy and unnecessary:
"This advisor seems to work for others, and is very sweet and kind. However, I have to be honest. I was disappointed. Nothing she said was right or made any sense. My mom is alive and we are not close. Live in diffrent states. don't have someone close named Marie or mary (mar). Said I was switching jobs. I have my own buisness. My Father has passed, Never picked up on him. No answers. Sorry did not connect with me. But May for others. Refund!"
- notice the misspellings!
Second Account:  I googled this person after receiving emails - found they have about 6 or 7 "1 stars" sprinkled amongst 5 star ratings. It's either hit or miss.  But the fact that this is "Second Account" tells you something important.

Shebaqoj    big-Basher

solemnvow04 — leaves mostly 3s , 4′s  -

Speakingonestruth   leaves lots of 5s  but also a  lot of 1- 3s . Expects precise  timing accuracy although  she claims to understand the higher laws  .  Will leave 1 star and warmly thank you for your efforts.  I personally googled her and found that feedback is all over the place - from 2 stars to 5 stars and everything in between - but what bothered me were the written comments requiring perfection.  I hope people like her are as perfect in their own lives.  I suspect she uses KEEN advisors as her own personal punching bags.

Starguru2006:  rude; may be another advisor incognito.

Starsign111:  was oceanwave/pinkorchid/gerriwills/Great view

SumIntuit   – Calls alot,  bashes a lot.   She considers herself  a healer, and feels she has been chosen to judge others, much like Realist411, and Krjeffcoat .and like them,   wants to hear what she believes to be true.   Very mean spirited unless she “approves”  of your reading.

Sunshineforever   -calls a lot,  lots of 1-3 stars  in the past,  leaving a lot of 5s now-

Tanisha Lorraine:  has only been on since 12/5/2011 but leaves extremely long feedback, all negative. Will call back several times, sometimes on various listings, and then leave negative feedback on all. 1 stars!!!  Be very careful, because when I googled this person I did not see any negative feedback.  I had to go to the advisors’ sites.  Wow.  Here’s an example of her handy work:
3/23/2012 Tanisha Lorraine 1 star Ok called her to clarify the last read, but now I figure out this lady is NOT psychic She said my honey initial I said that’s his middle name She said not him I mean another person with the same name. I think she needs to STOP with the games she plays with people and get off keen because she is def a fake or at least one of the more unethical psychics. Very unprofessional and negative.

TieZen:  basher!  I have seen the following feedback:  3 star - 7/23/09; 4 star with negative written feedback that makes the written sound more like a 1 star - 10/6/09; 2 star - 8/10/09; and also the following:
1 star - 8/4/09 with the following written feedback:  "Absolutely one of the worst readings I've ever had on Keen. I won't criticize or say anything spiteful, but I will say if you're not really psychic, please don't try to fool those of us who are" (from this feedback, sounds as if TieZen is another advisor on Keen and this is their alternate account);

2 star - 2/16/11 with the following written feedback:  "Total waste of time and funds. No real psychic connection to my situation. All personal opinion, and completely irrelevant to the question I asked about my job."
tlh77  1-3  average rating. Demanding   

TMATL  – calls ALOT.   rarely leaves a 5, some 1′s and most amazing of all 95% of her ratings are 4 stars even when she says “WOW!”. To get 5 stars from this woman you would have to guess how many red jelly beans she is holding behind her back – and you can’t confuse the dark orange with reds.

tora2222  -  lots of 4′s , and 1′s  some 5′s

Tracy52: lots of 1 stars; lies in feedback.

truptipatel -  leaves 5s, but is risky

TruthSlayer:  nasty feedback - uses words like "liar" in feedback.  Here is a sample of the feedback left for another advisor on 8/29/11:
"You're a liar, so $10 for 90 seconds is not a bad take or day's work, but makes me a moron to have given it to you. No matter what your belief system, I hope you appreciate the incredible amoung of bad energy you generate by feeding people in times of emotional and/or mental need hubris. Also, I'm excellent at reading photographs and voices >> the person you're talking to is not the person pictured. "
twinnflames11   out of 6 readings, 4 are 1  stars

uradoll – gives 5s   as well as lots of ones,  when she does bash she is cruel and what she says is highly questionable.

vbrando: hit or miss, but has asked for a refund with a 1 star on more than one occasion.  Has also written, more than once, "worst reading ever" on more than one advisor's site - how can you have the worst reading ever from two separate advisors?  Logically, one would have to be worse than the other.  Here is what she wrote on an advisor's site on 8/4/11:
" Worst reading ever!!! DO NOT CALL HER!!! I repeat DO NOT CALL HER!!!"
venus1724   does leave 5s,  and tons of 1’s  calls a lot  guaranteed 5 stars if you say bf returning,  4 or less  if you say he has moved on…

Virgo1987  – Does  give 5′s.  but wants only feel good readings, will bash if timing is not razor exact ..even if by a day.


v220 -  calls  a lot,   divides ratings between 1′s and 5′s.  40% of calls 1   

wk888 - has only been on since 12/23/2011, but has been hitting hard on the negative feedback, especially newbies.  Mean person. May also be COM1088, DC1088 and LT1088.  Nasty person - uses KEEN advisors as her punching bag.

woundering1 – Leaves  2 or 3 stars with “good call, will call again”     

yaeyae   – out of 3 calls showing in google, one is 3stars , 2 are 1 star  . Yikes!